Media Release

Midnight Basketball SunshineCoast is starting - volunteer for our local Management Team

The Midnight Basketball SunshineCoast Volunteer Management Team is excited to announce the next Midnight Basketball Tournament to start on , at TBA.

Midnight Basketball is a community-driven national social inclusion program supporting local teenagers by embodying our philosophy of combining life skills with high energy and fun. By identifying and embracing positive opportunities, while filling a gap on Friday or Saturday nights, it includes a nutritious dinner, mentoring sessions, and a minimum of three games of competition basketball. A bus takes all players home to their front door by Midnight.

Can you help the dynamic SunshineCoast Volunteer Management Team to help make it happen!

Register for Management Team now !!

There are Management team roles to suit all types of experience, and they are looking for people with different skills from a range of sectors in the community – whether your professional experience is in a business or retail store, sport, education, training, media, youth services through to a community volunteering organisation, you can make a valuable contribution.

“We are looking for people who enjoy working with a team and can bring their experience. There are specific Role Descriptions and detailed Checklists for each role, as well as an online Tournament Management System which automates a lot of what is involved in setting up each tournament to ensure best practice,” said local Chair, Sharon White.

Management Team roles include Chair, Volunteer Manager, Logistics Manager, Workshop Manager, Player Manager, Finance Manager, Fundraising & Support Manager and Marketing Manager, and keep in mind there are assistant roles for each if that suits you more for now. Register now or give us a call and let’s see how we can find a great role for you. You don’t need to have played basketball; just a desire to contribute to your community and help local teenagers.

Management Team members have consistently fed back that they love being able to use their skill sets towards something that is providing practical solutions that benefit teenagers in their community, with a volunteer Management team member stating, “I really enjoy being involved in Midnight Basketball. I think it's a great idea where the planning process is so organised and we really impact a community - from a positive impact on the teenagers through to new community partnerships and networking. And I met a lot of new people who have also become friends. It is just great!”

A previous Lord Mayor reported that, “We were really excited to bring so many amazing community members together to support our local young people on Saturday nights. It really takes a village to make an important program like this a success and we are amazed at the support and responses we are getting. It really does take a variety of different people, with different strengths and connections, to make this social competition so successful and vibrant.”

There are many Management team members who come from other sectors such as business, events, fitness and logistics sectors, with extensive experience to complement the expertise on the team. And these members commonly report how rewarding they find this experience. “There is no doubt, I get as much out of the program as the players,” says a previous Management team member and tournament night volunteer.

Having run 250 tournaments nationally, with over 100,000 youth attendances, Midnight Basketball Australia has identified that a strong local Management team is one of THE key success factors.

“We see this correlate very strongly with success, depth and sustainability of local programs and so encourage local community individuals to get involved on the local management team. We have so much feedback from individuals who tell us that although this was the first time they had been involved in a positive, high energy activity like this for teenagers and they couldn’t believe how useful their skills were and also, how much they got out of being involved in such a practical event like Midnight Basketball,” said Tess White, Chief Executive of Midnight Basketball Australia. “Volunteers are the backbone of Midnight Basketball across the country. They provide a safe, happy and co-operative environment and provide the opportunity for teenagers to engage with and be supported by a diverse range of community members who impart knowledge, kindness, mentoring and access to future opportunities. The success of Midnight Basketball would not be possible without the support that volunteers provide, so we hope you will read this and just get involved,” said Tess.

You can register by simply creating an account and registering online:
FAQs page - will step you through the process

If you would like any more information, enquire via the details below.

To enjoy the teen years. To live a good life. The magnet is basketball.


About Midnight Basketball

Midnight Basketball is a fun, high energy social basketball competition welcoming all teenagers.
Midnight Basketball Tournaments run for 8 weeks and start at 7pm with a nutritious dinner, three or more competition basketball games with skills sessions, music and bus ride safely home by midnight.

Midnight Basketball is community-driven and embodies our philosophy of combining team sport with learning and wellbeing while embracing positive opportunities by filling a gap on Friday and Saturday nights, with local volunteers coming together to provide inclusive, healthy, safe, motivating and free tournaments in local basketball stadiums.
Midnight Basketball enables and empowers effective relationship and community building within each local community.

Midnight Basketball Australia provides an automated, out of the box online solution, for approved communities to run low cost, volunteer-run tournaments embracing a diverse 'whole of community' approach to enhance social cohesion and wellbeing. It is replicable, making it a nationally scalable and sustainable model, designed to maximise the number of communities and teenagers that it can support.
Together, we are also helping to provide a positive real alternative to end the culture of binge drinking on weekends. 

Community media contacts and further information
National media contacts and further information